Healing the Mother Wound

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I have quite a few clients who I have been working through aspects of the Mother Wound with.

The Mother Wound was first highlighted by Bethany Webster – it delineates a core pain that many women feel, which has been passed down from mother to daughter over millennia. This wound could be summed up by the general sense that women feel of not being good enough, valued or seen for who they actually are.

It originates over hundreds of years of living within a patriarchal society, where women, and all things archetypally feminine, were devalued, mocked or even out-right outlawed (think the witch trials).

It has caused many women to over emphasize their more masculine traits in order to claim power in a world designed for a more archetypally masculine mind and body. But this can leave us feeling empty, burned out and out of touch with our more authentic feminine power.

Mothers are generally not seen, or valued (paid) for the work they do. Motherhood is the land that feminism forgot. The pain of being a mother in a patriarchal society is held in mothers and since arguably our most primal and key relationship for the first years of our lives was mum, we have all felt in our bodies this pain.

Patterns are passed subconsciously through generations of women – staying small, obedient, people pleasing and self-sacrificing as women would have needed to in order to stay safe.

I think we live in healing times, where many women are collectively safe, strong and powerful enough to really ‘go there’ and address this core wound of the feminine.

When we do, we access our wild feminine power. This is very different from masculine power because it originates from the earth herself, from the interconnectedness of all things and the magic of the universe.

Women hold that in our bodies, in our wombs and our ability to create life. We are connected to something bigger than ourselves through our intuitive nudges – men are too.

Just as women are able to access masculine power, men are also able to access feminine power. It’s not a gender specific thing, it’s a different way of operating in the world thing. An intuitive, heart-centred way that meets a rational, logical structured way and makes something beautiful in the middle.

Ultimately it’s also about our relationship with our primary mother – the earth- and the way we honour and treat her.

Healing this wound is really a key component to evolving and moving forwards with greater consciousness, connection and harmony between all people and our home planet.

Samata Russell