Beware of spiritual teachers

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When I was younger I used to intuit that one day I would be a spiritual teacher.

Immediately people conjure images of gurus or wise people and begin to put them on a pedestal (from which there is only one direction to fall).

I have literally zero interest in being held up to like that because it feels like a cage. It actually feels quite dangerous to me, my poor fragile ego cannot possibly maintain that kind of false image.

The truth is I can be highly strung, moody and incredibly sensitive. I’ve had periods of depression. And that is what made me seek out practices and places that could help me. They did help me. Over the years I have assimilated a ton of Eastern practices, shamanic wisdom and emotional healing techniques. Meditation in particular has been crucial for me.

What I’ve discovered is that at my centre there is an incredibly beautiful, quiet, vibrant place that is a constant source of nourishment and guidance for me. It’s when I’m practicing that my intuition speaks the loudest.

I think the age of the guru is over. The age of having an outside authority or institution tell you what is going to be good for you is finished as we learn that no one human, institution, culture or paradigm contains all the truth we need. We have to become our own gurus.

You have your own direct line to source. You just need to tap into it.

So I run these courses as the facilitator of your own process and journey. To help you find the inner peace at your centre. Your own source of wisdom and guidance.

I think we all have gifts which are often hidden in the parts of ourselves that we maybe don’t like, that make us different. I used to hate my sensitivity. But developing it I realised it’s what makes me a really good facilitator. It just needs to be managed!

If you would like to run alongside me, learning the ropes of meditation as an inner journey then the next soul embodiment course starts April 22.

Samata Russell