Soul Embodiment Inspiration

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I’m f**king angry.

Which is how I got from mindfulness to soul embodiment.

Mindfulness is serenity and awareness and learning to see clearly what is happening inside yourself without flinching or pushing away.

But last year what was happening in me, was anger. And this kind of frenzied call to DO SOMETHING.

Anger that the Amazon is still being chopped down, that I find litter on the streets, that my children are learning about global warming at school and then going to toy shops and wanting to buy goods shipped from halfway around the world that will outlive them. Anger that big companies who profiteer from the earth and poorer communities have so much power and literally everywhere I go I feel like I’m compromising my values through adhering to the status quo. Jeffrey Epstein.

Anger that I feel voiceless and powerless to do anything.

Anger that someone like Trump could be elected with his patriarchal, misogynistic mindset, that the systems we depend on are so overwhelmingly skewed towards people who sit at the top at the expense of people who sit at the bottom. Anger that black lives are being lost by a brutally oppressive system while indigenous groups lose their land.

The way I see it, the colonial, patriarchal mindset is the root of almost all of the problems of the world. It says: ‘I’m more important than you, therefore that gives me the right to take and dominate, to disregard you as sacred and having a sovereign soul.’ It says control is more important than connection, that needs are weak. To ‘feel the burn’ in order to achieve. Survival of the fittest. A game of winners and losers.

It can be subtle, like ‘my perspective is more important,’ as we seek to convince rather than listen, or it can be overt as we seek to rape or wage war.

 This gives rise to bullying and sexual abuse (as the need for connection gets warped into dominance), separation, isolation, loneliness, war, domestic violence, the marginalisation of different groups, viewing nature as ‘property’ rather than actually being alive with her own experience, intelligence, rhythms and sovereignty.

The anti-dote, in my eyes, is a rising of a feminine consciousness in both men and women that understands that all of life is sacred. She does not seek to control, but to flow in an intricately connected eco-system where diversity means security.

 Feminine consciousness seeks to listen, to create harmony, to nurture, to weave community, to soothe and heal. She is sensitive and empathises – feeling the hurts of others as if they were her own. She trusts in the abundance of the earth and surrenders to the flow of life, knowing that every creature and every being has its necessary place in the complex tapestry of existence.

 As the feminine rises, women find their confidence and their voices and men feel safe to surrender their armour; to be the complex, feeling creatures they are. All people start to honour their bodies (the feminine) as much as their minds (the masculine) and revere the earth (the great mother) as much as the father God.

 That’s why so many people are in therapy, are turning to healing practitioners, are delving inwards and figuring out who they are, why their relationships struggle, why they suffer with trauma. Patriarchy is a traumatising environment for EVERYONE because we are stuck in limiting gender roles in a pyramid of dominance, hustling for our importance up the ladder. In this set up dominance trumps all, relationships suffer. Trauma happens.

 Soul embodiment is my call for women to reclaim and celebrate their innate feminine souls – their full juicy cycling beautiful selves and to be it out loud.

-       To find their voices in workplaces crowded with naysayers

-       To make parenting choices that will allow children their full expression.

-       To stop co-dependent patterns of martyrdom and enabling

-       To normalise the wisdom of the feminine cycle of creation and rest

-       To be brave enough to rock the boat and live a more aligned life.


We do this by healing individually:

–      alchemising the inner barriers that stop us fully inhabiting ourselves, staying too small. First seeing (awareness) what is going on with mindfulness meditation and then using EFT and emotional clearing to move past limiting patterns of behaviour.

And also by healing as a collective:

-       There is power in hearing the stories of other women and rising together. We normalise what otherwise feels like our burden alone. We celebrate and champion each other.

 The course is designed to be both a soothing balm to the soul – finding a peaceful place to truly nourish and find clarity.

 AND a call to action – to find your power and do what you were born to do.

10% of the profits from this course will be donated to Tree Sisters - an organisation with 2 missions:

  • to plant trees in the tropics, cooling the earth, creating habitat and employment for poorer communities.

  • To offer courses, meditations and healing experiences that enables a rise of feminine consciousness. 

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Samata Russell